The wealth of knowledge Is the most superior wealth of all!

न चोरहार्य न राजहार्य न भ्रतृभाज्यं न च भारकारि।

व्यये कृते वर्धति एव नित्यं विद्याधनं सर्वधनप्रधानम्।।

It cannot be stolen by thieves, Nor can it be taken away by kings. It cannot be divided among brothers,

It does not cause a load on your shoulders.

If spent, It indeed always keeps growing. The wealth of knowledge Is the most superior wealth of all!

It is impossible for crooks to steal it, and even rulers are powerless to take it away. It is not something that can be split up among siblings, and it is not something that places a burden on your shoulders. If it is spent, it does certainly always continue to increase. The richness that comes from having a lot of information is the best kind of wealth. The wealth of knowledge Is the most superior wealth of all!

It is impregnable by both common thieves and absolute monarchs. You can’t split it with your bros, and it won’t weigh you down. If you spend it, it will continue to increase in value forever. Knowledge is the ultimate source of prosperity.

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