Wisdom versus Intelligence


When it comes to the debate of Wisdom versus Intelligence, there are many people who argue in favor of their side. But what are these two? What do they have in common and how do we define them?

Wisdom versus Intelligence is a debate among psychologists, philosophers and even laymen. The question boils down to how much of your potential you should be allowed to determine on your own, without an outside influence. Should you make a conscious decision as to what’s right or wrong and follow it with conviction? Or should you let people tell you what’s right and wrong?

While gathering general knowledge, people tend to forget about the importance of actual wisdom.

Do you believe in the wisdom of others? If so, we have something in common. Wisdom is the ability to think rationally and intelligently while intelligence is the ability to learn new information and make effective decisions within a given context. As people become more familiar with these phenomena, they can be easily confused. The differences between these terms are often subtle but profound. Learning how these terms differ from each other will help you correctly identify people who bring wisdom into an organization or individuals who rely on their intelligence alone.

While Wisdom comes from the Latin word Sapientia, Intelligence is derived from the Latin word Intus. A smart person must also be intelligent by default, whereas an intelligent person cannot always be wise.

The two are excellent traits to possess, but they do not necessarily conflict with one another. The opposite is also true: wisdom does not imply intelligence. It’s possible to have both of these traits, despite the fact that they are quite different, even though they may seem to be similar. (Wisdom Vs. Intelligence: What’s the Difference & Is One Better? | Mindbodygreen, n.d.) Being smart and being wise are two very different things. Even the most intelligent person may not be very wise.  (“What Is the Difference Between Intelligence and Wisdom?”) The capacity to handle information appropriately, or with wisdom, can give you an advantage. It allows you to directly influence outcomes. You present your best self when you practise it. (“What Is the Difference Between Intelligence and Wisdom?”) Knowing something is frequently equated with intelligence. It frequently implies that we can confidently apply our knowledge in a given situation. (“The Difference Between Intelligence and Wisdom—and How to Acquire Both”) Wisdom is the ability to recognise your lack of wisdom. (“The Difference Between Intelligence and Wisdom—and How to Acquire Both”) 

While wisdom is the capacity to draw lessons from the past and ultimately come to the right decisions, intelligence is the capacity to obtain information and apply it with the aid of knowledge. Wisdom comes from experience and insight that one has gained through life. It is more than just knowledge, as it involves the use of that knowledge to take effective action. Wisdom is also the ability to evaluate a situation and determine the best course of action. People with wisdom are often seen as wise, mature, mature leaders who can think critically and make sound decisions.

Intelligence, on the other hand, is the ability to learn quickly and apply that knowledge in a given context. In many cases this is seen as an asset because it allows someone to get ahead or even change their life for the better. However, there are times when intelligence can be misused or taken advantage of by others.

Wisdom is a quality that everyone wants but few have. It comes from experience and insight that one has gained through life. It is more than just knowledge, as it involves the use of that knowledge to take effective action. Wisdom is also the ability to evaluate a situation and determine the best course of action. People with wisdom are often seen as wise, mature, mature leaders who can think critically and make sound decisions.

Intelligence, on the other hand, is the ability to learn quickly and apply that knowledge in a given context. This can be seen in how quickly we pick up new skills or languages or even how many friends we have on Facebook (or not).

Wisdom versus intelligence can be seen in many areas of life including relationships, work, school and even parenting. While each person may be intelligent at different times depending on their interests, personality and environment – all of us would benefit from having more wisdom in our lives as this leads to better decision-making for ourselves and others around us.


Wisdom vs. Intelligence: What’s The Difference & Is One Better? | mindbodygreen. (n.d.). Wisdom Vs. Intelligence: What’s the Difference & Is One Better? | Mindbodygreen. Retrieved December 28, 2022, from https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/wisom-vs-intelligence-whats-difference-and-is-one-better

“What Is the Difference Between Intelligence and Wisdom?” UpJourney, 22 July 2020, upjourney.com/what-is-the-difference-between-intelligence-and-wisdom.

“The Difference Between Intelligence and Wisdom—and How to Acquire Both.” Quartz, 22 May 2018, qz.com/1284878/the-difference-between-intelligence-and-wisdom-and-how-to-acquire-both.

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